Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fortunately, Some things do not change

Many changes to the camp and all for the better. But as this picture shows the best of what Loon Lodge has to offer never really changes.

Let's Talk Food

The best donuts I have ever had can be found in Portland, Maine at the Holy Donut. The Park Street address is just a few minutes off the high way. I recommend   Sweet Potato  with cinnamon sugar

This years favorite sandwich is the Beet Reuben . It is fabulous
If you are up for a drive find the Bagaduce Lunch in Brooksville, Maine- just on the other side of Bluehill.
The location is a the Bagaduce Falls and they serve more than hotdogs.

After Twenty Two Years a New Refrigerator!

Yes our last refrigerator lasted 22 years. This one is black, the same size, but it keeps everything very cold.

Sheila - you may need to paint a side with blackboard paint- just for fun!

Loon Lodge- Beautiful Details

Ferns growing on a rock

Birch logs, reminder of the winter storm

A quiet place to sit

A simple path

Loons on Georges Pond

This summer two baby loons were hatched on the pond. Here

they are with mom and dad, and almost as big.

A New Family Members Visits

Flowers by Sheila

A New Name Board

This winter was tough in Franklin, knocking down trees and signs

What a Difference a Hinge Makes

David hinged the outside doors, making trash storage so much easier and neater.

Electricity Comes to Cabin 8

 Henry, our local, licensed electrician, fixed our electrical box and added power to Cabin 8